Monday, October 23, 2006

Seeing a Greater Purpose in Adversity

Seeing a Greater Purpose in Adversity

Acts 16:28
But Paul shouted,"Don't harm yourself! We are all here!"

"... Paul and Silas did not leave because they saw a higher purpose for which they were in prison. They were not looking at their circumstance; they were much more concerned about the unsaved guard. The story goes on to explain how Paul and Silas went home with the guard and his family. Not only did the guard get saved, but his entire household as well.

What a lesson this is for us. How often we are so busy looking for deliverance from our circumstance that we miss God completely. God is looking to do miracles in our circumstances if we will only look for them. ... Our adverse situations can often be the door of spiritual opportunity for those who need it."

Read this article just now, and it's really a very sharp reminder and encouragement to me not be narrow-minded and inwards-looking. Reminded again of what Jasmine shared with us during Saturday's sermon to "partner with the Holy Spirit", and to have more than "head knowledge" - something I'm extremely prone to.

Dear Lord, help me open my eyes BIG BIG, and to rely on Your super-radar, Your Holy Spirit... to give me discernment and a sensitive heart to Your prompting and leading, dear Holy Spirit, so that I can see what You want to do in this situation, no matter how painful or jialat it may seem. Because You work in ways we cannot see; You will do something new today!!! :D Through Jesus I pray: aMeN!

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