Wednesday, October 25, 2006

MACHO, redefined!

OMG, was chatting wif another bro over MSN, telling him about M.A.C.H.O., our brothers' discipleship group. I asked him to guess what MACHO stood for...
me: we came up wif a very macho-sounding title for our group
me: guess what we called it?
me: haha
him: you're gonna have to give me something to start with, or it'll sound weird
me: well, it starts with M.
me: and ends with O
me: five-letter word
him: mango>
me: ...........

me: ok lah it's MACHO.
me: not mango

him: macho??
him: why?

me: MACHO = Men Always Chasing Holy Objectives
me: haha

him: eh
him: MACHO = Men are cherishing Hamburger Outings

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