Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thai Coup - reflection on pride and downfall

Had read about the coup that happened this week in Thailand. Something that struck me was how the King of Thailand gave his tacit approval to the military council now running the country, and the generally high level of support for the soldiers by the people (even in a country where the military is more highly regarded than the police).

In FEER's "A Tug of War for Thailand’s Soul", Colum Murphy writes:
Mr. Thaksin’s handling—critics say mishandling—of the unrest in Thailand’s predominantly Muslim deep south has frequently been at odds with the king’s wishes. The palace’s hopes that the crisis could be solved through a “gentle approach” were dashed by Mr. Thaksin’s heavy-handed tactics to quell what he considers to be bandit activity. Mr. Thaksin may have agreed to set up a National Reconciliation Commission (headed by Anand Panyarachun, who was appointed prime minister twice by the king) charged with devising a plan to bring long-term peace to the south, but he also promptly sidelined the body and largely ignored its recommendations.

In a way, I think Mr Thaksin brought it upon himself. When even the king supports the coup, you know that you've royally messed things up. Hmm... think it was his pride and stubborness, not wanting to listen to advice from wise people, such as his experienced generals, that led to his downfall - and potential exile.

There's really a lot of lessons that I can learn from this experience. Think it's a very visible example of what can happen if I persist in being proud, not wanting to listen to others, and having a very high opinion of myself.

Looking thru Proverbs now to see what the Bible says...
Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall. (Prov 16:18)

He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious
will have the king for his friend. (Prov 23:11)

Pride also breeds quarrels,
but wisdom is found in those who take advice. (Prov 13:10)
Ah... I remember... Thailand was quarrelling politically, without a functional Cabinet, for a few months due to the troubles caused by Mr Thaksin.

Hmm... so something I was thinking about was that the Bible's counsel and wisdom can be applied to the very practical aspects of daily life, even in areas like politics - with national and even global consequences.

On a more personal note, I was doing some self-reflection. Think, recently, that the Spirit has been cautioning me that I'm starting to become proud again - in my heart and my thoughts... and I think He's been humbling me in some areas of my life - e.g. my studies... I've been priding myself in how I can make great comments during lectures and tutorials...

But I realise that recently, I can't seem to think of anything very relevant or useful to say during discussion. Feel quite helpless and inadequate... but really thank God for His mercy. He gently corrects me, and humbles me when I am proud - something that I really treasure.

Because I remember how pride cut me off from God - especially last year - and how God hid His face from me during that time... I was so terrified, realised how much I've left my first love... and realised that, apart from His love, life really is not worth the living. In fact, during that time when God hid His face from me, living felt worse than death.

But I'm so grateful to Him for that period. Because I now realise that I really, really, really need the presence of God in my heart, and as a result of that, learnt to treasure the presence of God, and not take the King for granted. And when I came crawling to Him on my knees after that time, He lifted me up on my feet, looked into my tear-stained eyes, and told me: "I love you. I forgive you. Now go, leave your life of sin."

And my life started changing for the better after that. Can't forget how He rescued me... and saved me from falling away. So infinitely grateful to Him - life really is not worth the living without Him. This life is simply not big enough for Him!

So praying to God that I don't fall back into the deadly sins of pride and legalism again. This is actually one of my greatest fears - that I will fall into pride again. I don't want to ever return back to those dark days... it was so... I remember all the pain that I brought upon myself because I thought myself more spiritual than other people... I looked down upon others... I lived what I thought was the right way... I didn't accept correction with a willing heart... I didn't want to listen to advice or seek it... and He humbled me, brought me to my knees... broke my heart and my spirit.

But now, He's showed me the truth of this...
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise."
Psalm 51:17

O God... keep me close to Your heart I pray. In Jesus' dearest name, amen.

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