Monday, September 18, 2006

The Church and Culture: Never Give Up

God, seriously, I'm getting quite tired of all this globalization talk. At first I was quite excited, wanting to learn as much as I can about how globalization affects us, and to think about it from the Bible's perspective.

But now, halfway through the semester, I'm starting to feel quite tired of all these readings.

Somehow, it all feels so... N.A.T.O. No Action, Talk Only.

There's so many viewpoints being bandied about, from the radicals to the post-modernists, and everything in between.

God, what use is all this? Even if I understand, what use will it serve in future?

I just read an article about why Christians need to engage with the cultures of their communities. Matt Friedeman writes:

Everywhere, in every field. That is the "where" of the calling of Christ on our lives. C.S. Lewis also added the "when" factor: "There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan."

Just some thoughts here. It's important to remember that, even as we Christians seek to transform the cultures that we are in, the importance of meeting the needs of the people can't be forgotten. Or we would just be creating another culture to force it down their throats. The last thing we need is a 'Christian' culture masquerading as Christianity.

Then why do we have culture in the first place? There's various theories regarding culture per se. Some see it as a by-product of interaction, yet others see it as a form of social hegemony. Dunno about the rest, but think culture's one way how a community meets its individual members' need to belong to a community. After all, man is a social creature, and he needs relationships in order to survive. Research into newborns' health when deprived of social contact shows it well.

So then, I must always remember precisely the reason why I chose to respond to the call last year to make a difference for Christ in the area of media. My aim is, as a piece of salt, to bless, preserve AND enhance the culture that God put me in. He put me in Singapore, in this time and place, in NUS, in my family, for a specific reason and purpose.

Hmm... that means, as disciples of Christ, e.g. if we're in the world of media, we really should be aiming to make the funniest comedies ever, the most touching dramas ever, the most inspiring movies ever, the most entertaining podcasts, blogs, etc. etc...

After all, we're simply humans too - the only difference between Christians and non-Christians is that we have been rescued from a dark life, and others who haven't been rescued yet.

Thank God. Feel encouraged again. Because when I looked at the sheer size of all the cultures, globalization, etc. etc, and Jesus telling us to go and make disciples of all nations, I felt really ... like, so small and insignificant. How can I make a difference, Lord? The world is so big, and I am just one.

I do have dreams. I long to use my media skills to highlight the plight of the poor and helpless, especially the children, and if God wills it, to fight for social justice, to speak up for the deprived and helpless. To reach out to all peoples, to share the Great News of God's love... to communicate the gospel... But, Lord, I don't know how! Am I dreaming too big?

Then this verse comes to mind:
"So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Wow, thank God for His encouragement! I am not alone - His Spirit is with me! And I am part of His body on earth, the Church... and I remember my shepherd's encouragements, his conviction and his faith in God that, yes, it WILL be difficult, but he has faith in God that God can use him to make a difference in the world of media, because media has a powerful influence in transforming the minds of people...

Then I think about what Peter told me yesterday... when training up my MM successor in the NUS ministry, to impart the vision and philosophy of the MM ministry to her too... wow, I find that You are drawing me nearer and nearer to Your purpose for me... one more step unfolding in Your plan for me... though I am just a grain of sand among the trillions of sand in this universe...

And I realised that the article that I was reading just now was titled: "The Church and Culture: Never Give Up".

Praise God. He is so timely, He is so faithful. Now I can go back, with renewed strength, to read my globalization notes again. Because I know that what I'm reading is part of Christ's plans to train my mind for the future destiny that He has for me.

Ah... I remember this old song that Sijia taught our CG shortly before she moved to Adults.
I have a destiny I know I shall fulfill
I have a destiny in that city on a hill
I have a destiny, it's not an empty wish
For I know I was born for such a time as this...

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