Friday, September 22, 2006

Of Objectivity and Opinions...

Just stumbled across a fellow Christian's blog... I found her entry very insightful, so thought I'd share part of her entry with you guys:

Okay. Yup, so our personal tastes will affect our judgement of things. Which is what I am trying to get at, btw...if u haven't got it. :)
Its smething related also to what my lecturer said, on how our perspectives will affect how we feel abt a thing. So the same 2 ple can be at FOP and thinking abt diff things abt the worship/sermons etc, cos we have diff perspectives ya?

And to add on to that...some stuffs I say can be pretty neutral:
CCC's songs are loud [objectively, can put to decibel test]

But here are some stuffs that can branch out from there:

CCC's songs are loud--> they are noisy--> they are distracting--> youths who are jumping up and down and just being emotional, and not truly worshipping God.

See, now, I've chain linked the first objective observation into an opinion. Which can be pretty biased.

CCC's songs are loud--> they are really happening-->it is praising God in an exuberant manner--> I feel that I can worship God freely.

So ofcos, no two persons can have the same opinion.

Taken from

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