Friday, September 29, 2006

"Jesus will never forget what we have done."

"So long I haven't cried in Your presence, Lord." Wrote it on my palm today, because I was feeling very dry.

YF asked me how I was feeling now - better or not? Hmm, still ups and downs.

Yesterday was an up day - excited at the vision for God, wanting to do something for Him, today more down, quite tired and not able to focus on Joyce's and Minchen's birthdays today. Lots of old thoughts banging on the door of my mind - felt like the battle at Helm's Deep where the orcs are trying to push the door down.

But God is so good indeed! His love endures forever. Because was going back home with a brother - we were both very tired, and we just chatted. Then this dear bro shared his frustrations about something. At first was going to give him some advice, but realised that what he just needed was a listening ear. So listened, and listened. Felt very touched by his realness and openness - reminded me of what Peter shared with me before, that real friendships means that we don't have to put up a false front in front of one another - we can really be ourselves with the other person. Really thank God for this dear bro's sharing - it touched my heart very much. Lots of things he shared with me, inspired by his zeal to serve God.

BTW something that I want to capture from him - his joyful spirit even when he's very tired. This is a weakness of mine - when I'm mentally tired, I get very negative and easily emotional, prone to self-pity and judgemental thoughts.

Then his bus came. Waved bye to him, and was about to walk off. Then just had this thought that I should turn around and see him off till his bus was gone. Turned around, and saw him waving at me. Really surprised at the exact timing - Daddy is so sweet! :D

As I stood there waving goodbye, somehow I felt that I had made God smile by that simple act of love. Then realised that it was not me, but Christ living in me, who showed His love through me. How true it is... when we love one another, God lives in us, and His love is made complete in us.

This is something that I really really treasure. God's smile on my heart - that is worth far more than any titles or accolade or affirmation or glories or riches...

And you don't have to do anything big or dramatic in the eyes of men. Just something as simple as a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is Christ's disciple - and in Qiaoping's words, "Jesus will never forget what we have done."

Thank You Lord for Flince. He encouraged me just now over MSN. Really thank God for him - he's really been a great support. Can't explain in detail why, but feel very supported by him as we serve together. :)

Flince says:
think life doesn't make much sense when we're looking forward
Flince says:
but everything happens for a purpose, and everybody's lives are interlinked

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