Wednesday, September 6, 2006

I, Latecomer

Ok God, I guess that was a bit, hah, what I expected at first. But it's important for me to swallow my pride and learn from her - can learn lots from her, how she speaks and her efficiency and straightforwardness, though sometimes I find it abrasive, but this is actually something good, bcos if she didn't tick me off for being late, but just acted v negatively towards me, I think that would have been much much worse. So actually it's the grace of God here, having a (I think she might not be a Christian) let me know.

So my latecoming - which LOTS of people have corrected, ticked off, or mentioned, or highlighted or pointed out... hmm... God, I can't do it on my own, but with Your help I'll overcome it!

So, what are the root factors that cause me to be late frequently?

Actually, hor, it's very simple. What Peter explained to me, the principle of care and CONSIDERATION. Like what Shennon had straightfwdly told me, it's about being considerate of other pple's timings too.

And what Ps Ben also said during one of the sermons - the parable of the 12 virgins - the importance of respecting others' times.

And what if it affects only myself - e.g. being late? Hmm... does it really affect ONLY myself? It distracts the lecturer AND makes a negative impression on others, no matter how subtle.

I myself have slightly negative impressions of pple who are frequently late - and I myself am a frequent latecomer! Win already... haha...

God. I really sometimes wish I wasn't in a time-conscious society. :P

God, I can't break this habit on my own. I know... I just like being late actually. But it's not good for others. Help me yeah? I know You're there to push me on... thank You Daddy. :) in Jesus' name, Amen.

And oh yes, thanks so much for Your grace, that the discussion went well - think this is a difference now how I participate in group discussions - though I still don't talk very much, but thank God for Peter's help, I learn to listen more, and through that, yeah, God enables me to think first before I speak - which makes for more value-added speech. I love the book of Proverbs. God is SO WISE! :D aMeN!

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