Monday, March 23, 2009

Met up with Robert and Weizhu. Haha. It was great catching up with them. :) Thank God for these two dear brothers in Christ. =) And catching up on the good old days in NUS. Haha...

On a side-note, it's been very interesting, getting to know myself better through reflection and introspection. In some ways, I'm not what even I thought I was, and in other aspects, I've learnt to accept what I don't like about myself. In a sense, when one makes his peace with God, he finally starts to become at peace with himself, because he realises that if God can accept him... he can start accepting himself, and if he can accept himself, he can accept others, just as Christ accepted him.

And one way I discover myself is through the Body of Christ, the brothers and sisters that He puts in my path. I realise that when I'm with Robert, the quieter, more melancholic, yet sharper and more intellectual side of me comes out more strongly, whereas when I'm with Weizhu, the more excitable and passionate and introspective side of me manifests itself more readily.

And both aspects are not different 'masks' - rather, they are part and parcel of what I am as Yeu Ann. What a beauty, the family of God. Each person that God puts in my way will bring out different flavours, different colours from the person of me.

Sweet, isn't it? Each one of us is not only irreplaceable; the impact that each one of us leaves in others' lives is equally irreplaceable.

"And now, with God's help, I shall become myself." - Soren Kierkegaard.

It all starts with God. And what began with the Father, is a gift that has no end.

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