Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Raining Rainbows!

Oh thank God! Today I got to see another rainbow! =D The rainbow was so ... colourful! =)

Anyway, told some people about it. Yufen replied,
Waoh,wed,thur,sun n tdy,ppl told me tt they saw rainbows wor! So many rainbows all of a sudden! =)

And Jon said something very insightful to me over MSN just now:
Eruánion, Choirboy, Usability Critic, Precise Pronouncer, Icemoon's Editor says (12:11 AM):
actually, as I looked at the rainbow, and thought about the recent spate
Eruánion, Choirboy, Usability Critic, Precise Pronouncer, Icemoon's Editor says (12:12 AM):
I was thinking, this couldn't happen at a better time
because the [economic] situation around us still isn't all that good
so at least the rainbows give us a sense of hope
And he added, "I think many of us wonder if there is any hope to speak of, so it's God's way of broadcasting hope to those looking for it. Thank You so very much, for putting up sky-wide billboards to remind us all that You're still in control."

Woah. I didn't realise that. Think can share with our non-Christian friends about the rainbows... that there is hope! =D

Yes, though even Citibank may fall asleep,
Our heavenly Father will never slumber!
So rest in His love sogreat and deep,
Even when troubles seem too many to number!

And Joyce added,
i think it's God's reminder to mankind
that he is still there!
v v interesting tt we can see so many rainbows these days
cos maybe God doesn't want us to miss him
he makes sure everyone gets a chance to see the rainbow
Something that struck me though. I noticed that as i walked along, staring at the rainbow, almost everyone else were just walking along quickly, holding their umbrellas and not looking up at the sky. I even tried telling one stranger that there's a rainbow up there. He just casually glanced up and then looked away.


Still, thank God for His love that never fails. His creation still keep on speaking loudly their voiceless words, as Psalm 19 so beautifully proclaims:
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

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