Monday, March 9, 2009

Man, I Love Being A Man!

A dear sister recently emailed some of us brothers:
Thanks for teaching me what it means to love with the love of Christ :) Who say only woman value relationship..whoever says that, it's not true at all. Thks for being godly brothers I can learn from and be spurred on. I am priviledged.
Haha! Thank God... felt very encouraged, 'cos one complaint in the church is that the men don't seem to desire building godly relationships, and/or are very spiritually passive.

While that might be true, it's not supposed to be an indictment of the brothers. 'Cos even though we men tend to be less gregarious and social in building relationships, I think when we build friendships, we build it with less focus on the emotions, and more on the purposes of the friendship. And I think in a way, these kind of friendship among men, while less common, can be richer and deeper, and even more fruitful and purposeful, in extending the Kingdom of God. :)

Haha... thank God for the sister's encouraging words... so take heart, fellow brothers. Let's set an example for our sisters in building deep and biblical relationships. Let's be men of God after His own heart. Let's be men of courage, and do everything in love. A-men? :)

(Not to say that women cannot be godly or even more courageous than men... see Jesus' 12 disciples - all cabut except the women when He was arrested...)

But! Nevertheless, we don't have to be a "leader" in the official sense to start inspiring and influencing our sisters to live even more godly lives for the Lord... the key thing is obeying the Lord and training ourselves to be more godly!

Man, I love being a man. Haha... thank God for the Son of Man, who came to show us what it means to be a man! Aye-men!
Men of faith rise up and sing
Of the great and glorious King
You are strong when you feel weak
In your brokenness complete

Shout to the North and the South
Sing to the East and the West
Jesus is saviour to all
Lord of heaven and earth

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