Saturday, March 7, 2009

How God Delivered Me From the Cookie Monster Spirit

"Me want cookie!"

Recently, I've been snarfing down a lot of cookies. Been taking the lion's share of the cookies in our communal cookie tin. And my colleagues have been very nice about it. But they've said in a joking manner, "Oei, Yeu Ann, you eat all the biscuits but never buy for us..."

I initially replied, "MMMMHHHMRRMMMHMHUMUMUM!!!!! Me lurrvvve cookies!!!" (Ok, so I'm exaggerating.) But I started thinking about what my colleagues had been saying, even though they were saying it in a joking way. Because it's true. I struggle with gluttony from time to time, to be honest.

Then after praying about it, 2 Thess 3:8 came to mind:
"nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it."
Ooh err! So I made a decision in my heart the day before to eat no more food that didn't belong to me without paying for it. Not to say that I pay my colleagues back directly. That's quite strange and potentially insulting to my colleagues' kindness and goodwill.

But, I've made the decision in my heart to, if I want to eat and eat, use my own hard-earned money to pay for it. I don't want to be a burden to anyone. Instead, I want to bless others instead...

So as I started this new habit of buying tidbits for my colleagues yesterday... It made me think... whoa, Scripture really has principles for every aspect of my life. It's so encouraging. To experience God's victory in every area, even the very seemingly non-spiritual aspects of my life, such as my Cookie-Monster rampages...

So, help me Lord! May You help me defeat the Cookie Monster within me! May the only thing that I go MMMMHHHMRRMMMHMHUMUMUM!!!!!! over be the Word of God! Yeah and Aye-men!!! 

B is for Bible, that's good enough for me! (Sorry Cookie-mon...)


Anonymous said...

praise God for deliverance from the evil cookie spirit! hahaha.. guess what i just had the digestive cookies for breakfast. anyway, let's munch on something yummier and sweeter, the Word! -joyce

yeu@nn said...

amen, sis! :) haha... ooh, you're eating cookies??? oh my goodness... the cookie monster spirit must have gone over to your side.... ahahahaa...

Unknown said...

I love cookie monster!!!!!!!!!!!

C is for cookie, and cookie... eh i cant rem :P

yeu@nn said...

C is for cookie, that's good enough for me!!! *om nom nom nom... urrrp*