Saturday, December 16, 2006

Unit Prayer Gathering, a Reflection, and Joy to the World!

Today we had unit prayer meeting. Really thank God for that time of prayer - felt very refreshed again by the Spirit of God, especially when I've been feeling weary.

But think the Lord Jesus encouraged me not be weary, but reminded me that it's a joy and privilege to be able to serve Him in this way, and feel His pleasure... He reminded me that what I'm creating will be seen by 3000-over people in Kallang Theatre, as part of His outreach plan to the lost!!!

Wow! So exciting... I'm reminded of His sheer grace to me, that started from last year... when I did a video clip for My Church My Home... and that was during my darkest period... and I responded to His call to be salt and light in the media industry... even though my heart wasn't right with God at that time...

But our Lord is merciful indeed - He richly blesses all those who call upon Him! :) So found myself doing multimedia stuff in increasingly bigger portions... doing MM for tertiary service advertisements... then doing MM for Alpha, an evangelistic programme... thank God for the bros and sisters who did a great job in working on the MM... unforgettable! :D now doing MM for Christmas service at Kallang Theatre this year... wow! God really is good - and He has turned my heart around too... I'm increasingly finding more and more joy in serving backstage in a way... yup, really want to be a servant of God, because even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many.

Hee hee... I remember Guanrui sharing about how God inspired him to create an encouragement banner during exam revision period, you know, that one that said in BIG BLOCK LETTERS: "LORD IS WITH US". Yup... think can understand how he feels - hee hee, it's really thrilling when God gives you an inspiration, an exciting idea... yeah! hi-five~ Daddy for what He's done!

Felt my heart renewed, realigned to God. :D Reminded by the Spirit to draw strength from Him daily, for apart from Him I can do nothing.

Something that Shirley also shared struck me. She shared about her prayer life, that even when she was very busy, she will take time to pray to God. Not just that, even if her situation didn't change, at least her heart has changed. And that struck me as a very precious truth.

I'm very inspired by Shirley. Something I noticed about her over a long period of time is that she has increasingly this inner sense of tranquility and confidence and strength that clearly comes from a deeply-rooted faith in God and His power, love and grace. It's especially obvious when she is worshipping God... I don't know how, but somehow her face seems to have that "glow" when she is worshipping God. (Seriously... I'm reminded of Acts 6:15 that says, "All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.")

A powerful testimony, our countenances! A sober question to ask myself: How many times has my face shone for Christ? The Bible describes Stephen as "a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit"... how I want my life to be like that too!

Guess, yeah, I am envious of those who walk closer and have a stronger and deeper faith in You... but Lord, transform my heart and my motives. I think very often my heart is like Simon the sorceror who wanted the gift of the Holy Spirit for himself so that people would see Simon do great things and regard him highly.

But God is not pleased with such an attitude. Hmm... I'm thinking of some dear brother in my unit - even though he's younger than me, he strikes me as someone with simple childlike faith in God, eager to practise His Word!

And how I do need to practise God's Word. Yufen was gently correcting me, when I shared with her about my latest crush, that I already know what I need to do, so just go and practise it.

Yup... I want more breakthroughs in my life - I want to PRACTISE GOD'S WORD! So, taking heart from God's promises, let's really go and claim all His promises in His Word, and ACT UPON IT! For no matter how many promises God has made, they are YES in Christ Jesus! And so through Him the "aMeN!" is spoken by us to the glory of God!

Last 3 or 4 weeks in NUS ministry for me... but whether long or short time left in this ministry, we are all serving the same God and Saviour of the world! So let's really OOMPH, let's really PUSH on for JESUS during this Christmas season! Remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season! Fight against every shred of discouragement with the Word of God! Encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching! Exercise every spiritual gift He has given you to support one another in this push to tell more people about Jesus, and be faithful in prayer too! For where all the best efforts of men fail, just one word from God can touch their hearts!


Christmas, isn't Christmas
Till it happens in your heart
Somewhere deep inside you
Is where Christmas really starts
So give your heart to Jesus
You find that once you do
It's Christmas, really Christmas
For you...

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