Sunday, December 10, 2006

December Days - delightful disturbances

Ha, seems like my titles are getting awfully alliterative. Alas, alack! poor Yorick, i did knew him well.

Stumbled upon a stick-figure version of Hamlet. :) Check it out!

Went down to Nexus today. Bought a book by Joyce Meyer: "Approval Addiction: Overcoming your need to please everyone". Think it's very timely, am reading through it now. Think God has been impressing on my heart very strongly the past few days about having faith in Him that He loves me - nay, more than that - delights in me, and will help me through.

Very timely... because I'm getting very convicted about the need to have faith in Him. "The righteous shall live by faith." From my QT, from the teachings, from the sermons, from books, from here and there... I keep hearing Him tell me to have faith in Him. But why are all these things talking about faith in particular? I'm puzzled, but yet, I think He has something in store for me when I cross over, and He wants me to exercise faith in Him for such a time and place like this. Perhaps I'll face a lot of challenges to my faith, both in church and outside the church, and He knows my heart, and wants to push me on to breakthrough and grow further.

Hmm... pensive, yeah? But honestly, I'd say this is a delightful divine "disturbance", and I must have faith in His word that He loves me unconditionally... and has a wonderful plan for me (and not just me, but for everyone who will believe in His Son, Jesus Christ). To humbly believe, and not let pride rule in my heart, else Christ can't do many miracles in our lives. Thank God for the sermon yesterday. Very convicted and cried. Asked Him to stretch my faith. I know He will... in fact He was waiting for me to pray that prayer! :)

Oh yeah, blessed birthdays, Shirley, Clara and Jason! :) And to my dad too (tho I think he'll not be reading this blog). =)

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