Wednesday, October 13, 2010

有一位神 There Is A God

Felt down. So searched for this song. We sang this during one of the HopeKids CGs (and during Sijia and Howjoo's wedding). The lyrics touched me a lot. Yeah, I know my Chinese is very limited, but it's the way the lyrics are arranged that really bring out the beauty... the first two lyrics brought tears to my eyes: "也有温柔双手安慰受伤灵魂..." :)

In fact, I'm thinking of how to get one of my HopeKids boys to listen to this song. Perhaps it might touch his heart, 'cos if I'm not wrong, his heart language is Chinese.

And yes, there is a God. No matter how I might feel, or even feel towards God... He is not only the Lion, but also the Lamb. And not just the Lamb, but also the Lion. The God who roars with thunder on clouds of fire... cried with the larynx of a helpless infant, and whispers with the gentle oh-so-easily-stifled voice of His Spirit.

有一位神. There is a God.
是昔在今在永在的神.The Yesterday and Today and Forever God. :)

A           Amaj7 

有一位神,有权能 创  造宇宙万物, 

D               E 


A          Amaj7 

有一位神,有权柄 审  判一切罪恶, 

D             E 


A         C#m 


D       A   E 


D           A 


D       E     A 


A          Amaj7 

有一位神,有权能 创  造宇宙万物, 

D               E 


A          Amaj7 

有一位神,高坐在 荣  耀的宝座, 

D               E 


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