Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Just want to thank God for today :) And also for how He's been answering my prayers in very amazing ways.

Last week, I posted some prayer requests on Ps Jeff's blog. The first prayer was for me to grow in emotional stability. You know what? From last Wednesday, somehow God has been speaking to me through a Christian book I'm reading, a Bible verse: "and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one", and also prompting my heart to pray to Him daily to ask Him to grow me in emotional stability and security.

And the wonderful thing is, since that time, I find myself praying daily and constantly to God to help me guard my heart against negative thoughts and emotional insecurities. The miracle is, as one who is very prone to "approval addiction", other people's responses would affect me very much emotionally. But now they are affecting me less and less as I pray more and more to God.

I find that the peace of God that surpasseth all understanding is guarding my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. Guard is the correct word here - the worries and anxiety of how people will see me - they do come, but now it's more like ... they are muffled now. Like how last time these negative thoughts and insecure ideas would bang so loudly on the doors of my mind that I would start panicking and be very affected. But now the "banging" is like them banging on increasingly stronger and thicker doors. Like trying to bang on solid oak doors - the thoughts are less and less overwhelming. And I have the quiet, gentle and assuring voice of the Holy Spirit reminding me that He who is in me is greater than the one who is in the world. That lends inner confidence to my soul.

Think that's a visual metaphor to describe how the healing of God is filling my mind even now. :) Hee hee! And as I abide in Him more and more, I find rest for my soul. No longer do I have to chase after people's approval - I've now found my place in His yoke, perfectly fitted and custom-moulded to what I am. "For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." And so I know that I can be all that God has made me to be, no matter how others will see me, no matter how imperfect I am - for every imperfection that is in me is yet another opportunity to showcase His perfection.

Thank You Daddy. It is indeed so sweet to see the salvation of the Lord being worked out in my life, and the lives of all who love You, who have been called according to Your purpose. In the beautiful name of Jesus, Amen.

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