Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Ten Commandments of Gelato

Had a good dinner with James and Weizhu at Spagheddies today. :) Great time of chatting...

And after that, WZ and I ate Gelato from the Gelato stall near Lido Orchard Cineplex. "Best gelato I've ever eaten," enthused Weizhu. So we ate. Mango flavour tasted fresh, though the chocolate hazelnut had this cloying sweetness. But whoa, two whole hazelnuts in there. Go figure!

Anyway WZ came up with some crazy lines, the gelato ice-cream being so good and all that... read these and weep!

The Ten Commandments of Gelato:

"Thou shalt have no other gelato before me."

"Thou shalt not make for yourselves an ice-cream containing other gelatos..."

"Honour thy rum and raisin."

And the killer:
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's flavor."

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