Friday, July 27, 2007

A Old Couple

Yesterday, my CG was having dinner eating Lorong 9's famous beef horfun at Geylang, when suddenly someone tapped Sharon on her shoulder. She was startled, and we turned around to see who it was.

It was an old couple. An old man, struggling to hold himself up on his two crutches, frail as frail can be. And an old woman (probably his wife), assisting him, while laden with what seemed to be the only goods that they ever had.

And we gaped at them, not knowing how to respond. Think the same question that was on all our minds was: "Are they genuinely in need, or are they just pretending?"

Perhaps it was because the old couple stood there, not saying a word, though their postures said a lot.

Then Huaqiang broke the impasse. He said, "We can give them food or money."

So we chipped in.

And I ran over to where they were. And as I passed the money to her, I said, "God bless you," not knowing whether she'd understand my English.

But the look on her face told me she understood, if not the words, the heart. Somehow I feel that they are genuinely in need of help.

When I went back to our table, couldn't help but tear when I saw them. Just felt a lot of compassion for them, and it's so incredible - it makes you really want to cry. And I think this is just a tiny inkling of Christ's intense love and compassion for the poor, the needy, the lost.

So grateful to God that He patiently let us help this poor couple. And... but for the grace of God go we... we were eating Singapore's finest beef noodles, and we have people who are hungry, not due to their own fault, but because of sickness and infirmity.

But what a faithful wife to the crippled husband. "For better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, 'till death do us part."

Dear Lord, take care of them, and please watch over them... send them more kind-hearted people, and teach us who claim to follow You be more and more kind-hearted like You too. In Jesus' name, I pray amen.


Anonymous said...

Mt5:42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

I bought tissue from an old person once, and my colleague asked me why. We Singaporeans have been conditioned to be sceptical and careful when helping people. "Is this person genuinely in need?" "Why can't he work?" etc etc

I think Jesus's spirit is that: If a person is obviously in need, help. If a person not obviously in need ask for help, help. If a person obviously not in need ask for help, help.

Going off on a tangent. As for tissue-peddlers, I find them to be somewhat different from the deaf-mute/blind souvenir-peddlers. I still struggle with buying from the latter, as it really does feel like they are fakes.

As for the former, it's simple. They're not beggars, they're just making an honest living selling something. And if they are in need, then buying some tissue will help them.

Anonymous said...

wow! weizhu's comment is very interesting. it's quite true. God always ask us to go the extra mile for people. Let him slap the other cheek. Take more than a coat off me, etc etc.

But it's been so built into me to be avoidant because of the hecticness of life.

Really ought to slow down and be genuine doers of God's word. :)


Your post reminded me of God's love for the poor/lost/weary.

He's so compassionate isn't He? :)

Unlike people who easily get impatient, selfish, indifferent.

So much to learn from Jesus. :)

Anonymous said...

Amen! :)