Friday, July 6, 2007

Still reading "Anointed for Business". Uncle Lee was right; the principles of marketplace influence even if you're not a "businessman", but a worker etc, are very Biblical. :)

Something that struck me as I read this book was that God can use not only our ministry, but also our work and school experiences to shape us, so that we can be more effective in reaching out to others for Him. Nothing is too secular for Him! :) No secular cows here...

So looking back at the past experiences I had, plus my natural traits, think God has been using my work as a programmer to sharpen my thinking and analysing skills... to learn to solve problems more efficiently... in this way, can help bless the children's ministry for example...

Realised too that I'm not making very good use of my natural strength in generating ideas for ministry too... and being lazy to think and put in effort in ministry... it's like what Robert said, "In church, everyone wants to be a sheep, but nobody wants to be a shepherd." Cannot lah! So I've made a resolution before God to start maximising my brain and talents for the Kingdom of God... both in the workplace and in ministry.


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