Monday, May 7, 2007

Lord, I'm stilling feeling quite restless in my heart. I mean, restless as in quite unsettled... feeling dry again.

Hmm... yeah, dryness comes from season to season. *sigh* but thanks so much Lord for the experience of being with me through it all. =)

And thank You for answering my prayer for strength, and the word that You spoke to me during QT today, abt You being the bread of life, that he who comes to you will never be hungry, never be thirsty. :)

And thank You for Your promise Lord, that whoever comes to You, You'll never drive away. :)

How I need that promise, that assurance even now.

Please forgive me for being inwards-looking during this time, while I'm still so fixed on my own small problems.

Help me look outwards... :) hee... just as You looked outwards, to the inwards-looking crowd, and fed them bread in their time of need, even though they didn't grasp that You really cared for them, but chased You only after their hunger was satisfied.

Hmm... :)

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