Monday, June 1, 2009

Psalm 42: Thirst for Life Himself

"My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When can I go and meet with God?"
I was pondering over this passage, which is part of my CG's prayer points to prepare our hearts for the upcoming Adults church camp.

And the word "living" just struck me so. Imagine having a conversation with a dead person. It's quite one-sided, isn't it?

Now imagine talking with the same person, but he's very much alive now. How does it feel to talk to a live person, as compared to a non-living person?

Maybe I'll use a less morbid image. Try talking to, say, a tree? Not many topics in common.
"Hey Mr Tree! How was your fertilizer today?"
"Hi Yeu Ann! Actually, don't mind me... but honestly, it tastes like crap."
"Erm... It IS."
"Oh. I see. Hmm. Oh! Want to stand here and enjoy the coming rain?"
"Oh. Umm. My ma told me never to stand next to a tree when it rains."
"Aw gee. That's tough. Have a nice day."
Ha... but more seriously, I thought about it. Thirsting to connect once again with a LIVING person... with a LIVING God, not a mere abstractized notion of some impersonal force or cosmic entity. But a God who is so much a Person... in fact, more of a Person than we humans can ever be, for we humans are made in the image of God.

"When can I go and meet with God?"

In short, I guess it's like staring at a picture of your sweetheart, versus meeting and holding hands with your sweetheart face-to-face. :)

Thinking about God. I just miss You so much.

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