Monday, November 3, 2008

Peter treated me to pasta and pizza today. Yeah! :) Fabulous. Thank God for him!

Anyway, we had a very exciting and inspiring discussion... inspired by Robert's and Yanjie's testimonies during the last Men's Annual Summit, we were thinking of establishing our own brothers-only groups - just to spend time together, have interest groups, etc... bonding activities together and so on. It's exciting also, because this kind of "grassroots" initiative is not done by our leaders who have to push us, but because God has stirred our hearts to want to rise up and help spur and encourage our fellow brothers onto love and good deeds. To strengthen and edify one another. To support and to speak into each other's lives. And, to help each and every one of us men to rise up and exercise our God-given roles of taking initiative as leaders - be it one or a thousand.
"From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it."
Matthew 11:12

It's amazing how lowly everymen can rise up and attempt great things they would have never ever dared to dream of, when one fine day, as they happily go about doing their everyday things, the fire of God suddenly and unexpectedly interrupts their daily routine. And that fire spreads to their own hearts.

And so He calls to you and me today, just as He called to a few very ordinary men two thousand years ago: "Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Just as the Navigators so love to say:
"Ordinary people,
Extraordinary God!"
Consuming fire, fan into flames / A passion for Your name... *pouf!*

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