Friday, November 28, 2008

How You Can Make the World a Better Place

Shuyi's post on the Mumbai terrorist attacks made me think. Think God is reminding me that I mustn't be so engrossed up in my own little world and affairs. Not to be inwards-looking. Then was also thinking about Billy Graham's life example. How he reaches out to those around him.

It's not true that the more spiritual a Christian becomes, the less involved he becomes in earthly affairs.

The truth is, when we see how big God's heartbeat is for a world that has left Him, we can't but help be compelled to step out of our own comfort zones. To minister beyond ourselves. Like how Jesus did.

We become more motivated in reading up about world events and home affairs. To learn to see today's events from the perspective of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Doctrinal theology becoming incarnate, in us. Having a heart of anguish for injustices wreaked and the oppression of the poor. Intensely interceding and pleading for our nations. Patiently peacemaking in our spheres of influence.

To pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done - on earth as it is in heaven."

Oh dear. Such a heart-ache within me. This is so utterly wrong, the terrorist acts! They have slain their own countrymen in cold blood. Yet they are just men, like you and me.

Lord, please, please help the authorities in India there succeed in putting down the evil terrorists! Yet Father, forgive the terrorists, for they do not know what they are doing! Oh God, guide and help the authorities capture the ringleaders, that these atrocities can be ended immediately! Exercise Your righteousness, justice and mercy on behalf of the victims and their families! In Jesus' most righteous name, amen.

Just want to share this passage with you that I'm currently reading from the biography of Billy Graham:
"I am an old man," [Winston] Churchill said several times during the conversation [with Billy Graham], "without any hope for the world. What hope do you have, young man?" Churchill pointed to the newspapers lying on the table and remarked that they were filled with reports of things that he said rarely happened when he was young: murders, rapes, and other major crimes. [...]

Graham, evangelist to the core, could not pass up an opportunity to share the gospel with the Western world's most famous leader. "Are you without hope for your own soul's salvation?" Graham asked, perhaps surprising himself with his boldness.

"Frankly, I think about that a great deal," replied Churchill.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I am filled with hope," Graham said exuberantly.

Producing his pocket New Testament, Graham then went through various verses pointing to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Churchill listened attentively. Then, exactly forty minutes after the meeting was scheduled to end, Churchill indicated that it was time to bring things to a close. Getting up, he shuffled toward the door, concluding his own melancholy reflections with the pronouncement, "I do not see much hope for the future unless it is the hope you are talking about, young man. We must have a return to God."

"Billy Graham: His Life and Influence", pg. 92-93

Hmm. Think one of the first and most important steps we can take towards becoming men and women of God who will make the world a better place, is to start praying for the world. To talk with Him about the news that we read or watch every day. To ask Him what He thinks and feel about these things that happen. To ask Him to increase our love for the peoples of the world. To help us see beyond our routine everyday lives of work and play. To see the world events of today through Christ's eyes. To hear through His ears. To feel with His hands. To walk with His feet.

To be His instruments of peace to a world lost in tension and turmoil, chaos and spoils.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


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