Friday, June 29, 2007

Multiple Passions, Single Destiny

I'm now sitting here in my office. Just finished some programming stuff. It's cool, and I've been learning new software engineering principles as I go along - great for ministry next time if I have to write software or websites for ministry next time.

Which goes on to the next point:
I was talking with Hong Teck last Sunday over coffee, and he was telling me that we should aim to grow in every area of our lives, be it work, family, hobbies, passions, interests, knowledge, skills, etc. In some areas we grow faster, other areas we grow slower, but in everything, just keep growing, whether fast or slow!

And something that HT told me impressed me a lot. You know how you may have multiple passions - e.g. you enjoy playing board games, drawing, writing essays, and maybe even more esoteric interests e.g. studying spiders or sculptures?

Pursue and develop these passions, for God can use these passions next time - combined even! - if He gives you a ministry to do. Like how in HopeKids, I enjoy very disparate activities e.g. programming, designing, videography, reading, writing stories, interacting with kids, etc. And the wonderful surprise is that all these skills are needed in HopeKids - simultaneously! 'Cos we're using the Internet to reach out to the younger generation.

To be honest, I was skeptical initially about the effectiveness of the Net on children, thinking it's a fad thing. But HT told me that our website for children get quite a good number of hits from children under 12. I was surprised but encouraged to hear that fact. So we were thinking about practical steps to start up our own media channel for children that we could use.

Though right now, we don't have enough time, manpower or resources - we simply don't have the numbers at this moment - what we can do is comb for good quality children's media to put on the children's website.

It's a slow but exciting journey from here. And with Peter's advice about being faithful, taking ownership of what God has entrusted to me, here's really hoping and praying that God will help me spearhead a charge to touch and connect with a new generation of children. That in the end, they may hear the story of Jesus in a fresh, new and creative way. =)

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