Friday, July 4, 2008

Had dinner with Yufen and Kin Wee today, to treat them as an appreciation for all their help with the HopeKids video for the HopeKids camp some time back. :) Shunrong couldn't make it though - work commitments.

So when I reached Pizza Hut at Plaza Singapura today, to my surprise, I saw Huili there! Seems that she was catching up with Yufen earlier... so we cajoled her into joining us for the dinner treat. :) Haha. We were joking that she was the stand-in for Shunrong...

Anyway, it was a lovely time - very funny too - of sharing and talking. Really, Huili and Kin Wee are great jokers. :D HL'll be going for her convocation next Thursday. Thank God it's around 8 pm, so shall go down to bless her. (I gotta check with the other people graduating this sem.)

Minchen popped by later. We tried to get her to chow some food, but she had just eaten at Han's Restaurant earlier with her CG. And she was sporting a nice tan from the matric camp last week. :P Haha...

All in all, such a good time. =) Very refreshed, very blessed by this time of fellowship. And thank God also for the very encouraging testimony by Yufen back on the train. Always never fail to be refreshed after a good chat with her! Just to jot down this little thing that she shared with me: "God will never put us in a place His grace cannot reach."

Ok. Time to sleep now... GoForth conference coming up, excited... and prayerfully, can go for the missions trip... (YEAH!)

Oh yes! Want to thank God too for His wonderful help in finishing almost all my project stuff on / ahead of time. =D And for the sweet quiet time in the morning, spent at the rooftop garden in the golden morning sunlight.
"Early in the morning I will seek Your face
Drawn by the Spirit to the promise of Your grace..."

But still there is so much of my heart that still doesn't desire Him that much... and also I want to grow in talking with Him as a FRIEND, not just as a Cosmic Problem-Solver.
I want to walk with You
Every day of my life
To talk with You
In the good and the strife
You're my Friend
You're my Father
For all time
Nothing can keep us apart
You're the Lover of my heart...

In the good and the strife. How I want to call upon Him, not only like a desperate soldier calling for fire support, but now also as a friend, to share deeply with Father my deepest desires, my innermost thoughts, my sweetest feelings and my darkest secrets. I want to let God be MY God.
Freedom comes, when I call You Lord
You are Lord, MY God...

Thank God too, for how He mercifully heard my prayer this morning, when I was tired and tense, and irritable. Felt like snapping at others, but even while in the midst of talking, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the need for self-control, to control my tongue...

And I prayed to God to help me hold my tongue, to exercise self-control, not to give in to my frustrations. And the Lord heard my prayer. :) Daily He sanctifies me, daily He gives me bread for my soul, and daily He teaches me His ways and guides me in His truth.

It's a period, as I shared with Yufen on the trip back on the MRT, where I think I see how the Master Potter is preparing me for whatever He's calling me to. First it was the awakening of my eyes to see the need for sanctification, for character, for godliness, for holiness, for righteousness. And how He opens my eyes day by day to see my LACK of these all... so that I may open wide my mouth to ask Him to teach me and fill me... and how He uses the people in my church to help me mature and grow to be the man that He wants me to be.

Maybe I'm imagining things too much here, but as Ruey Fong exhorted me some time ago, God has given me a very powerful imagination, and I need to use it to imagine great things for God, not imagine bad or sad things. Amen.

I sense this year may be the beginning of deployment, mobilization to the frontlines... this would then be the year of PREPARATION. Consecration, in other words. "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you." :)
Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise
Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love
Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee

Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King
Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee
Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold
Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose

Take my will, and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.


It touches me that the Lord is inviting you and me to join Him together in fulfilling the Great Commission in OUR lifetimes...

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