Sunday, February 25, 2007

God Encouraged Me Today! (Through a Friend) :)

Thank God! So touched. =) I felt that I really needed a word of encouragement today, so as I went out to meet some friends today, I prayed to God and asked Him to give me a word of encouragement for today.

And you know what? Zhiwei messaged me on the very same day this SMS:

Hey man, just wanted to send you a word of encouragement: as hard as it is to customise your resume, do not falter! For they say, no pain, no gain! Your toil will be rewarded in the long run! So, jia you! Gambatte! God is with you!

Wow! :D Daddy knows exactly what I need even before I ask! :D Very timely, Zhiwei's encouragment... and thank God so much for His hearing my prayer.

Luke 12:24
Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom nor barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!

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