Friday, September 28, 2007

"Here's my question to you, and this may hurt."

Am listening to Ravi Zacharia's audio clip, Why Don't I Feel My Faith, and this particular segment caught my ear - and made me stop. I was very reminded of what we shared about wanting to grow stronger in the Word, through growing in our knowledge and understanding of what the Bible says - and that memory came back the moment I heard this discourse from Ravi:

I ask you this: If you and I had the choice, wouldn't you and I have liked to be at the Mount of Transfiguration? That likeness, that brilliant transformation of our Lord, so that the human eye could not contain it... Moses and Elijah descending from the heavens and our Lord Himself so glorified, so radiant, so that Peter falls on his face and says, "Why don't we stay here?" There was possibly no more estatic moment in Sacred Writ outside of the Resurrection itself.

But listen to what Peter says. "We have the more sure word of prophecy." He goes to the Word as something stronger, and more certain.

Here's my question to you, and this may hurt. My wife and I have for years have had this habit of just going out every Saturday morning and enjoying a breakfast together. And I said to her today, "A lot has happened in my own life in the last few months that I am so grateful to God for. It has been the recovery of the early morning hours with God.

I know not everybody like the early morning hours, and I don't like them either. But let me tell you something: the surge of emotions is going to storm you everyday. Some disappointment, some hurt, some heartbreak, some conflict, some argument probably, some struggle - the only way I know how to face it is to prepare this heart first thing in the morning before you face the day and let His language come to your heart before you do anything else."

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