Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hmm. Lord, thank You for pushing me to make decisions some more. First it was my shepherd, now it's my colleagues. Simple decisions like go with who for lunch.

Choose what to eat for lunch?
"Ok, YA, which one do you want? Chinese, Western or Japanese food?"
"Err... Western and Japanese."
"Aiyah! We ask you for one parameter, you give us two..."

"Er... then what do YOU guys want for lunch?"
"Doesn't matter lah! You choose!"

Oh my God... it sounds a lot like Peter prodding me to make my own decisions.

Then... "Hey, Hui Cong, Yeu Ann, you guys choose between yourselves who wants to go in the manager's car."

*stares at each other, with a common hesitancy*

(simultaneously, him to me and me to him:) "YOU choose."

He shrugs. "Scissors, paper, stone?"

"Ok... eh... winner gets to..."


Turns out I win, and I have to decide.

Boon Wee comes by. He holds up a gleaming coin with a glint in his eye.

"If you can't make up your mind..."

Toss. Hmm.

Toss, toss. Hmm.

In the end I decide to go with the manager.

God is putting more tests.

And wondering why I keep dithering when having to decide.

First I want to be nice, and i think that letting others decide is being nice. Hmm. Just how true is this assumption, actually?

Secondly. I realise I don't really know how to make a decision, as in that what are the factors that i need to consider for a given situation. Oops. Sounds like I'm lapsing into an "algorithm" again. :P Principles, not rules!

But... hmm! How ah?

Practice some more and make more mistakes... i guess others had the benefits of making these mistakes when they were kids, but for me, i have to learn them now. But thank God so much for His pointing out to me... hee hee! can really see how Daddy cares for me in EVERY aspect of my life, not just the "spiritual" things.

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