Sometimes young Christians start panicking. They say that they don't experience God so strongly as they used to. That they feel far from God. But that's why having experienced mentors who have walked with God for a long time is so important. The older ones remind the younger ones that there is something called seasons. That we experience God strongly at times, and not so at other times. Summer and winter - but God's love endures forever. And that weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
I met this lieutenant-colonel last time when I was in Army. He was different from the other officers, because he was genuinely much friendlier and more cheerful. One day I found out that he was a Christian. (Think he saw my Bible.) So we chatted and he told me that he'd been a Christian for about 20+ years. Wow. Very encouraged. Gray-haired splendour of an old and wise Christian walking with God for 20+ years... and being salt and light in a place that needed more cheerfulness, lighting up the place with his constant warm smile. ;)
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5 years ago
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