Saturday, September 12, 2009

The God of Big Dreams

Nicholas Winton was a 29-year-old clerk who worked for the London Stock Exchange. In 1938, after visiting Czechoslovakia, Winton had a deep concern for the welfare of children who were about to be taken away to concentration camps. Winton stepped up to this situation and organized a rescue for these children. As a result 669 children boarded eight trains to London and were rescued.

One word could have stopped Winton. It is the same word that has stopped many a dreamer dead in his/her tracks.


"But that's impossible!"

"But how are we going to do that?"

"But where will we get the money?"

"But what makes you think you can do this?"

"But is this the right time?"

On and on it goes.

Yes, there is a time to measure, critique, and evaluate a dream. Yes, one must count the cost. Yes, whatever dream is put forth must withstand rigorous scrutiny. Yes, my dream may not necessarily be a part of God's kingdom dream. All of this is true. Yet at the same time, I want to be a person who encourages the young and the not-so-young to see a need and then dare to dream about confronting that need.
It echoes exactly my thoughts! :) Thank God for this brother!

This thought came to mind: When was the last time God did something really exciting for you and even in you and through you?

I think it's important that we have fresh testimonies of what God has done for us - both big and small things. This is something that I captured from my chat with Jiehui who is currently in the SMU ministry. I think the fruit of his faith in God can speak much louder than my words here haha.

Well... just another thot here.

It's impt to point out the practical stuff... but maybe we should encourage each other to dare to FIRST dream big for God... and THEN think through the practical issues involved. Of course, the planning part is important too. However, I think we need to cultivate this culture of disciples being willing to dare to dream big things for the kingdom of God.

Right now, I think we're cultivating a culture where we actually suppress the desire of the believers to live extraordinary lives for Jesus! We throw well-meaning questions prefaced with "But..." and concerned looks... :P Not sure if anyone can identify with what I experienced?

And then we have the audacity to complain that people are lacking in zeal for God. Hello... cannot lah. Let's look to the heroes of faith in the Old and New Testaments ok. Let's learn from the lives of Joshua and Caleb. Let's not be like the ten spies who saw only the giants but not the God over the giants.

After all, God looks at the heart... and I think a lot of us in church are lacking in a growing faith in God, right? Life seems so mundane and dry... and it seems that God isn't using you much. Maybe that's precisely the point. You haven't been letting God use you much.

Was continuing my reading of Henry and Melvin Blackaby's book "A God-Centred Church". Reading about the roles of the churches in extending the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Heart stirred, and today, the inner fire in my heart stirred up further to the point that I ... erm... knelt down in my toilet and prayed. And then wept in the sink.

Crazy, right? But think it's the powerful gripping conviction of the Holy Spirit... the Crushing Burden in my heart is upon me again. I think the clarification is clearer now... there's something particular to be done. At this rate, I won't be able to sleep very well soon if I procrastinate on my response... :P

The burden has been steadily increasing over the past few days. Whoa.

Planning to talk with some leaders in the church about this plan... how will it turn out? I know it fits in with our district vision, but it's a crazy idea (I think)... but it's quite feasible in concept, I think. And besides, it's a need I see... :P

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