Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just came back from Word For Life on Healthy Relationships, session 2. Had supper with Ellson (who asked me out for supper on the way back in a cab), 'cos we learnt about setting aside quantity time to be with our friends. Yes, you read that right... the speaker said that "Without QUANTITY TIME, there can be no QUALITY TIME!" Hee :)

Ah. The second session of the WFL was on "First Things First" and "How to Build Strong Friendships" (something like that). The speaker was slow, but well-paced... hee, one of the sisters told me, "He's very slow!" But Peter said, "I enjoy this pace." :) I said, "Can contemplate in between [each sentence]..." (and it's true... he's a good speaker. Proves that you don't have to be a machine-gun in order to teach well). :D

Thank God for the time of supper. We chatted for a long while. Ellson shared about work, and so on... and his walk with God. Very encouraged by his heart for God. :D And Ellson thanked me for letting him share... 'cos it helps to strengthen his own faith and convictions even as he shares his thanksgiving and convictions. =D

So thankful to God. :D Thank God for Peter, WZ, Robert, KC, Kin Wee, Ellson... oh yes!

Yanjie. Thank God for him. Told him I'll pray for him to have a good "3D/2N cruise"... which means he's on sailing duty starting tomorrow - he's a Navy officer. :D And he asked me what he can pray for me... I told him, and lo and behold, he whipped out a piece of paper and jotted down my points, saying a bit embarrassedly, "I forget very easily lah."

And he very hilarious lah... for my second prayer point, I asked him to keep this particular sister in prayer... he grinned and asked me, "What's her name?"


Yanjie guffawed and said, "Hmm!"

Grinning, he wrote down my prayer point in one word: 2. Voldemort


"Oei Yanjie! Cannot lah! Sekali you look at this point, and end up praying for Voldemort instead of the sister..."

"Wahaha! Yah that's right... And God will look down at me and whack me, saying, 'Hey! Why're you praying for the wrong person?'"

Haha... YJ you really farnie lah... thank God for you!!!

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