Saturday, April 28, 2007

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit..."

I'm writing this down to remind myself of something that God reminded me while I was feeling very down again.

Oh dear my mind's gg blank again. Lord help me write this down!

Have been finding it very hard again to be considerate of others' feelings and feeling very guilty and angry with myself again. And have been comparing myself constantly with others, whispering to myself enviously, "Wow, that person is so mature. I wish I had his/her maturity."

As those who read this blog regularly will know, I struggle daily with being considerate of others. It's not something that comes to me naturally, and I keep feeling very frustrated. I also think this is a powerful breeding ground for pride too. Like those mosquitoes, only much worse.

But as I was reading Shuyi's latest entry, her words encouraged me a lot:
And the essence of humility - don't think I'm so important, that without me, at my best, things will go wrong. God is greater than this. Like sometimes, you're so tired, you can't do things really well, you only can do your best. This is enough for God to do His miracles. I used to ask God. You know, the way I am, I am surely affecting a lot of people. Please help me not to be this way. Not let my lack, prevent others from achieving their utmost for You.

After reading that, I sat back and prayed... ok, more of ranting to God again why He'd let me have this lifelong weakness - these words came to mind again:

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit."

Think God was patiently reminding me again that one reason He allowed me to have this weakness is because He wants me to walk by the power of His Spirit, not to rely on my own natural strength. And I think He's already provided me with the supernatural solution to my natural weakness: His Holy Spirit.

He reminded me of this truth: Keep walking BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Don't try to walk in your own strength; WALK BY MY SPIRIT. NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BUT BY MY HOLY SPIRIT.

Galatians 5:16-18
"So I say to you: Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law."

(Oh! I realise I forgot this key verse from the passage that I'd memorised: "... to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. But if..."

Thank You dear Lord. I feel much, much more strengthened again, and can get up again emotionally. Ready to go back into the battlefield, the boxing ring! :D

Yeah, our enemy the devil may be the biggest and baddest heavyweight of them all, but he's a defeated foe... 'cos he tried to knock Jesus out, but well, Jesus rose up again after the count of three... and disqualified the devil once and for all! ('cos Satan cheated on that Friday so long ago, you see... but a very bad idea, because he tried it against none other than the Referee's Son - Jesus Christ!) ;D

Yes... think I shall pray this prayer too, inspired by Shuyi's prayer too...
"Father, You know, the way I am, I am surely affecting a lot of people. Please help me not to be this way. Not let my lack, prevent others from achieving their utmost for You. But please let Your Spirit take over me, let Him shine brightest in my weakest spots, that others can see that it is YOU, and YOU ALONE who has done this good work in my life. In Jesus' most powerful name, aMeN!"

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