Sunday, April 8, 2007

I've been reminded just now, and quite a few times this weekend, just how experiential i have become. While it's one thing to experience God through my experiences, it's totally another thing to let experiences and circumstances drive my view of life.

It's important not only to just experience things, but also to make sense of my experiences.

This inspiration came to my mind as I was reading Jit's latest entry. Am encouraged by how she faithfully does her best to make sense of her experiences, to practise seeing things from God's viewpoint, even when she's tempted to be negative and dwell in negativity. :)

Reminded suddenly of what RF said to me some time ago, when I affirmed him for something in particular. He looked at me and said, "You know what, Yeu Ann? A lot of people affirm me for being so talented, being able to do this and that. But the kind of affirmation that really touches my heart is when people look beyond the surface, and look at the heart, the spirit behind the things I do."

It spoke to me a lot, because I think I'm the kind of person who prefers to be affirmed for being able to do this or that. But RF's sharing helped remind me of what God really delights to affirm: The heart behind what people do.

It's strange, yeah, but in the end, it is God who justifies us, even when we have nothing left to speak of, nothing to cover our shame. Justified simply because of His work on the cross... and He went to the cross in our place... simply because He loved us enough to die for us.

at the cross i bow my knees
where your blood was shed for me
there's no greater love than this
you have overcome the grave
your glory fills the highest place
what can separate me now

Sitting back now. Think God spoke to my heart. I've been very busy and harried in spirit, and as I reflected, I'm starting to look to people for comfort again, for strength from them, instead of drawing strength from God.

Ah. Think He has been telling me to focus on Him again, to pray to Him. Because He will help me. :) Yes and amen!

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