Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just want to thank God for how He has been working in Kim Chun's bro, Kim Leong. Very encouraged by how he has been eagerly reading the Bible - I mean, in less than 2 weeks, he has read from Matthew to Hebrews! And last nite he was sharing testimony with me how the Holy Spirit prompted him, reminding him of a verse from the Bible, to respond wisely to someone else.

Thank God for Huaqiang and Zhenzhong who are following up on him! :)

A thought. Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ. And what Robert remarked during our super satay supper: "I realised that those who find it hardest to read the Bible are those who have not read the whole Bible."

Yes, yes and amen.

Why are we so slow to finish the Bible? Why not read through it all and read it with faith? :) Don't we all want to see the wonderful things that God can do, and the realness of the new life that He offers?

I am reading the book of Acts again, for the tenth time or so, and oh my, it's so thrilling. The more I read it, the more I realise how real the people are... and how amazing our lives could become if we chose to believe that the Holy Spirit can empower us to do what the New Testament church did 2000 years ago.

For example, I have indeed experienced first-hand one miracle in the book of Acts. Like the hearing of a foreign tongue in my own language. Last year where we were praying for our missionaries to Kenya, and waiting upon God for a special word of prophecy... I heard Jason praying in an unknown tongue, and I know and hear very well that it is an unknown tongue... yet my mind heard it as perfect English! So I prophesised the translation (English of course) to the missionaries to encourage them that God really is with them. I mean, this is very surprising and quite rationally stunning, but well, this real-life experience encourages me that what we read in the Bible is just as powerful and real for today as it was 2000 years ago. =)

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