Saturday, August 11, 2007

"You need quality rest. You can't depend on fellowship all the time."

That's what Peter told me on the way back from Settler's Cafe. Just one line, but wow, thank God, it was very precise and timely.

Especially so when you're the type who experiences God more closely through contemplation. For me, it's a mixture of contemplation, creation and experiential I think.

Peter's the contemplative type, so he rests by sitting down to read a good book, etc. That's why he grew so much during his convalesence period when his leg was broken - he had a really HUGE amount of time to spend with God. :)

And hee, I think just seeing creation, the winds and the stars help soothe my soul... that, and a good book. :) Sitting on an old rock, under a green tree, with a gentle zephyr swaying to and fro, in the midst of green pastures... He really restores my soul. :)

Hee. Anyway, it's so helpful, Peter's advice. :D Thank God! Because I'd been so tired... and had been looking to fellowship to help restore me.

But, if you're feeling very negative because of tiredness, you'll be ineffective... the most important thing is to draw from God's love...

And I think that is something that God was trying to speak to me during Friday, when I was fasting and praying... I waited silently, asking Him to speak to me. Then the first impression that I had was: "REST. Rest from your work, and rest in My work." Wasn't sure whether He was talking about the sub-district, or unit, or caregroup... or me?

But hee, I think He meant it for ME especially.

Wow. I feel so loved by God - especially when He speaks words to me... it encourages me, warms my heart, and restores my soul. :D

Wow. What a long week. But God has been so faithful to me through it all. And I DO NEED TO LEARN HOW TO REST IN THE LORD.

Thinking further, I think that's one difference between the Adults ministry and the student ministries. We're often encouraged and urged to push ourselves to the max in student ministries, because of the high turnover rate - the seniors graduate and move on very fast, and also, when you're a student... honestly, honestly, believe us or not, you students REALLY have it more, more, more relaxed and easier than us working adults. :)

But when you move over into Adults ministry, the gameplan changes. Work tires you out every day. So you need to learn to REST. Like how Jesus rested. If you don't learn to truly rest in His love, you will become disappointed. But Hebrews tells us to learn to rest from our own works and rest in His work, but of course, not slack, but to finish the work He's given us to complete. Just like Jesus. :) "I have finished the work that You gave me to do."

Slow and steady. But sharp and precise. Not rushing about here or there, doing our own things, but determinedly doing the work that our Father gave us to do today. :)

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