Sunday, May 24, 2009

I'm now here with How Joo and Sijia, helping them prepare their powerpoints (and accompany them as they prepare their bulletin).

Anyway, I was very touched (and entertained) by the hilarious, but heartwarming, interview testimony of the lovely and godly couple. =)

One thing that struck me, what How Joo said, is that Sijia was God's exact answer to his prayer!

So it made me think:
1. Do I have a clear idea of what I want in my future life partner?
2. If I do have a clear idea, how closely aligned is it in line with the Great Commission, with God's will as the prime priority?
3. Do I actually believe and have the faith and even audacity to trust God to provide me with the exact sister - assuming that my criteria for the sister I have in mind is in full alignment with Christ's love and God's vision?

Of course I understand and know that not every couple is like a 'perfect' match in that sense. But personally, I've been thinking about it - for me, do I have the faith to trust that God will give me "a helper suitable" for me, to help me do the work that the Father has given me to do?

I do have a clear idea of the criteria what I am looking for in a sister - besides the obvious fact of loving God... I want a sister who has a passion for children and for missions, because personally, I believe that is God's calling for me at this time. Children and missions. Impacting nations and generations. Ooooh.

And personally, I would like it very much if the sister also has a burden for intercession. A fervent desire to get down on her knees and pray for others, for the nations, for the world. And one who is able to teach and communicate abstract ideas clearly and concisely. Because that strength would balance out my strength in expressing concrete ideas through telling long grandfather stories.

She must also have a strong and blazing desire to see all kinds of people being discipled, and making disciples. By all kinds of people - I don't mean discipling only those who look like 'leadership' materials. Rather, it's all those who have a heart for God and want to grow, even though they may have so many weaknesses and faults.

Evangelism too would be great - it's something that fills my heart with joy every time I think about it...

And I'd like her to be firm, especially in principles and values, but not stubborn. It'll be good if she's able to appreciate and communicate emotionally, but also think rationally too - a healthy balance. It's for complementing me - because thinking logically is not one of my strongest points (though I do make it).

Definitely cannot be quarrelsome. =) And I appreciate straightforwardness and openness too, especially in resolving conflicts.

In terms of work, it'll be great if she's detailed and meticulous, because one of my greatest weaknesses is in the areas of details and planning.

I was thinking whether it's a good idea to publish out these criteria so openly for the whole world to see. Then thought about it. Actually i think it's fine lah. I'm not putting out a classified ads for aspiring applicants... that's not what I meant.

Rather, this penning down of my criteria is meant as a declaration of my personal convictions in what I desire in a sister.

Because even if God doesn't give me a sister who matches all these criteria... ultimately, the key thing is the heart behind all these criteria.

Every criteria is not because it's a "systems" or even a "Hope" thing (although it's good of course!), but because these criteria are manifestations of the biblical values that are in our hearts.

And so, I think when I share these convictions with conviction to the whole world, ultimately, I'm simply being a witness and also strengthening my own convictions about what I look for in a relationship.

The people of the world have worldly criteria - some go for money, others for looks, and others for power, prestige, social status, emotional security and so on. The better and wiser ones go for character and virtues...

But we the people of God have heavenly criteria. We look not only for character and virtues - we also look for hearts that love God and love people (though character involves loving people of course!), and eagerly desire to do His will.

Because, whether I get into a relationship or not in the end, isn't the most important thing about learning to have the same way of thinking, speaking and doing as Christ himself would?
1 Corinthians 2:16
"For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

I think in a way, the clearer the criteria, the fewer the choices... perhaps it might be easier to make a decision. But... I think I'll add: the greater the faith needed, that God will provide a suitable sister who matches these godly criteria.

I need to stay firm upon these values and convictions, because I do want to honour God with these criteria, as part of my life, and ultimately, to love God and love people.

And together, she and me, we'll work together to do His will, proclaim the Gospel to the nations... and one fine day, we'll see with our own eyes this glorious vision: A great multitude that no one can count, from every nation, every tribe, every people, every tongue, standing and crying out to God with one grand voice: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne and unto the Lamb!"

EXCITING, ISN'T IT!!! I wanna jump man...

Yup! Just some criteria that I want to pen down to help me remember and keep to heart. :D

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