Monday, December 17, 2007

Little is Much in God's Hands

Listened to today's sermon by Ps Jeff. It was a very touching sermon, 'cos it answered exactly a nagging fear in my heart the past one or two weeks. I think I identify most with Philips... but Lord, give me the childlike faith of the unnamed boy!

"Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as You will..."

So touching. Thank God for Corinne May's song. :)

Thank God also for Peter's encouragement when I shared with him about my observation that a very few people have a wide social circle and can impact them all deeply, but the majority of us can have either a wide social circle and impact a lot of people to a small extent, or a narrow social circle, and impact them deeper.

Shared with him that I think I'm one of those with a narrow social circle.

Then Peter said, "You could impact a Paul."


"Remember Barnabas, who discipled Paul when he was a young Christian? After Barnabas discipled Paul, Paul went on to make a super-impact for Christ."

"Oh! That's really very encouraging! Thanks a lot bro... it encourages me very much, to know that what I'm doing for the Lord is not in vain."

We also discussed how we can expand our social circle to get to know more people. Shared with him that I've been thinking about joining a public speaking course next year.

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