Thursday, August 13, 2009

Psalm 22:22
"I will declare Your name to my brothers;
in the congregation I will praise You."

Was reading this, and ah, this caught my eye. I guess it's just the way the psalmist cried this out with so much conviction. If you read it in context, wow... even after so much suffering and anguish, the psalmist still says with a fiercely triumphant joy that overrides his present discouragement, pain and agony. And he said it, even after crying out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" - the cry of all the God-forsaken people of the earth, whether Jew or Christian... and of course, the cry of an innocent Jew on the cross.

Can I say this with conviction and holy fierceness too? A fierce cry that cries out not only to God for help, but also to praise Him no matter what happens? A fierce cry that confesses the ultimate triumph of the LORD, even unto death?

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