Sunday, August 9, 2009

Gee. It's hard to get back into the groove of blogging after a one-week hiatus.

Thank God the "nuclear fallout" with my parents is finally over... (I think, for now). :) Yes, it was stressful, and personally, for me, emotionally trying.

But God has been so gracious. Through this experience, I cried out to Him, and He showed me so many things... And wow, He worked in such wonderful ways, that it could only be the hand of God at work.

But not just wonderful works here, but also some very important lessons... and sweet experiences.


Ahh... what I learnt so far from the past week's experiences:
1. Learning to humble myself and cry out to God more and more each day. Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved... And seeing the swift power of God in rapid response. Before they call, I will answer...
2. A deeper insight into the importance of God's magnum opus - the family of God aka the Church.

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