Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Time and Space

Very frustrated by my slowness in doing the video.

Was in a do-NOT-talk-to-me mood.

Then my dad came into my room, and kept talking and talking, asking me how come I'm frustrated.

Gosh. Told him I need to concentrate.

He talked even more. Said he just wants to see whether I'm all right.

I understand, Dad. But can we talk later please? I need time and space.


And it struck me too that there are people who also need time and space too, just like me. My dad meant well, but I was even more frustrated.

I know now how Peter feels at times. And how another friend might feel.

The plank in my eye is very big indeed.

Oh God. Have mercy on me for my double standards. Judging others but not judging myself.

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