Thursday, June 19, 2008

Renewing the Core Values =)

Whoa... just had a wonderful time of reading Luke.

As I sit here reflecting on this week, I'm really touched by how God honoured my response to an altar call last Sunday for those who were feeling far from God. And after that, Daisy sent me an SMS, wishing me God's blessing for the week ahead, that I'd be renewed in joy and God's peace this week...

And things did come to pass. I experienced God so strongly and powerfully on Monday, as I sat there, just watching and watching the skies pouring out their endless declaration of God's everlasting love... "The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands."

Then, reading the Bible has been a great joy too. I've been reading Philippians, and reading the book of Luke with Jonathan... think God is encouraging and correcting me too.

Why the title Core Values? Think it's because of the emotionally-trying times that I've been experiencing. But think God spoke to me through the Bible, that I must "keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." (2 Timothy 4:5)

And it's been a good time revisiting what Jesus taught us... the Sermon on the Mount. The things that he said, such as loving your enemies... going the extra mile... not judging others... obedience... I realised how much of his words I've forgotten in my heart. So yeah, I want to renew my first love for Him. To let His wonderful words cleanse my heart and set me right again before Him.

For He is good, and His love endures forever. :D

It's such a joy, realising experientially what the Bible says... I really do want to grow in obedience to Jesus and what He says... because I don't want to have to keep rebuilding my house every time the floods come. By practising what he taught us, I will be able to dig and lay a stronger foundation for my life, so that when the next storm comes again, I'll be able to stand firm and become more mature and stronger. Amen!

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