Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Cynic's Prayer

This prayer is a real prayer, prayed by a cynical (then) pre-believer... it brought tears to my eyes, because it is so real.
OK, God, I give up. I’m Yours if You want me.
I don’t care how awkward I might feel talking to You, or about You.
I don’t care how much trouble I have accepting some of the teachings.
I don’t care that my entire former self-image was wrapped up in the “party girl” persona.
I don’t care if some Christian music is treacle and the lyrics contrived.
I don’t care what havoc may have been wrought in Your name in the past, or what may be in the future.
I don’t care if some of Your flock seem hypocritical or self-righteous or sanctimonious.
I don’t care if there are times when I can’t feel Your presence.
I don’t care if loving You means I have to at least attempt to love myself.
I don’t care if friends roll their eyes and laugh at my conversion.
I don’t care if I feel like a faker sometimes, and I don’t care if it’s harder to do Your will than it would be to follow my own desires, and I don’t care if I’m less than perfect at it.
None of that matters. I give up. I want You. And I’m Yours, if You want me.

It was probably a week or so before it actually dawned on me that I had been born again. [read more]

Come to the Father
Though your gift is small
Broken hearts, broken lives
He will take them all...

The power of the Word
The power of His blood
Everything was done
So you would come...

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