Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm So Narrow-minded...

How could I have forgotten the signs and wonders that I witnessed in the church camp and forgotten all about them? The clear speaking in a foreign tongue by Meihong (and it definitely was NOT gibberish... it was clearly a language, even though it sounded, well, foreign). AND the interpretation that accompanied it... whoa... God's Holy Spirit really has come down to fill the place! :D

And oh yeah, I saw a couple of Malay staff looking quite surprised (and a bit amused) at the praise and worship going on in the ballroom... :)

And the prophecies that God spoke to us! Psalm 23... and also the one from Isaiah...

Open your eyes, YA, and see what the Lord even now is doing among us! You don't exist for yourself... you are only a part, and a part, and what a part, of the church!

Plank in the eye. And in the midst of being with my CG, I was complaining to Huaqiang about some people's attitudes/actions I found hard to accept... But he gently told me, after listening to my complaining and whining:
"The plank in your eye is very big. If you want this person to accept you for who you are, shouldn't you also accept the other person for who s/he is? Do to others what you would have them do to you.

If we only love those who love us... then we should be ashamed to call ourselves Christians!"

That is so true!

Thank God for HQ's gentle but firm correction... it really is what I need in order to grow out of my narrow-mindedness, my self-absorption and worldly sorrow.
Psalm 25:8
Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.

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