Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Caring for Others: The Value of Encouragement

"In spite of everything I shall rise again: I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing."

Vincent van Gogh
Letter 136
24 September 1880

Vincent van Gogh originally had a very deep burden for the poor, as a Christian missionary, and had a deep desire to enter the ministry. Some even compared his charity and compassion to that of St. Francis of Assisi. In one of his letters, he wrote:
"You know how one of the roots or foundations, not only of the Gospel, but of the whole Bible, is `Light that rises in the darkness`. Well, who needs this most, who will be receptive to it ? Experience has shown that the people who walk in the darkness, in the centre of the earth, like the miners in the black coal mines, for instance, are very much impressed by the words of the Gospel, and believe them, too."
However, the established church at that time was scandalized by his seemingly improper conduct, such as giving up his bed to a poor person and sleeping on the floor... and they forced him to resign!

Vincent was so demoralized and discouraged - not to mention his natural melancholic self, coupled with depression... that (some say) he left the faith, and eventually committed suicide, after many episodes of sadness and depression.

Who knows what this man, after God's own heart, could have done if only, if only, a fellow Christian had encouraged him?

Such is the necessity of encouragement.

Personally, in the children's ministry where I serve in, there are quite a few kids who are very mischievous. Not only that - but some are lost in their own worlds, and others are very aggressive, and some are extremely shy.

However, never judge a seed by how it looks. You see that big aggressive boy whom you have to stop from hitting the other kids and teachers even? In the hands of God, if he is properly encouraged, he may become a great sportsman, or even a powerful warrior of God - a powerful preacher, the next Billy Graham, commissioned by God to preach the gospel to all the nations.

You see that shy, bright, but reclusive boy sitting in the corner, refusing to play with the other kids? He may one day be one of the finest minds in the country - or even the world. He could become the dean of a university, or a theologian, or a prime minister. But how he will choose to use that mind - to defend the faith or to attack it - lies with you, the adult, who shows him what Christ looks like.

You see that girl, lost in her own world, socially inept and rejected by all the other kids? One day, God may call her to be the next Mother Teresa, so full of intense compassion and mercy, such that millions of poor people will remember her name, calling her a saint of God. And she will be the epitome of God's joy to the nations.

And all these three children are in my class.

You have a fellow Christian who struggles just to read the Bible? Who seems very apathetic about spiritual things? Who left church even? One day he may become your shepherd, your spiritual leader, even someone who may save you from falling away from God. :)

Because that is what one of my shepherds' life was. :D

Never, never, never, ever dare to judge a seed by how it looks. One day it may become a mighty tree that uproot cities and kingdoms, or it may save nations and provide shelter to the refugees and the huddled masses. So learn to see today the person next to you as Jesus Christ Himself would see him...

"You are Simon the Reed. But I call you Peter the Rock. And on this rock I shall build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."


Anonymous said...

hello brother! Wow thanks for yr encouragement on my blog. ;) U have been an encouragement indeed!
I liked this post. Indeed there is immense potential in everyone, they just need someone to believe in them to keep them started and going. Reminds me of Corrinne May's song "Beautiful seed".

Anonymous said...

Amen! :D Just wondering, what were the most memorable times that someone encouraged you? :)

Anonymous said...

I wont quote specific incidences but there were moments when i was feeling down/tired/discouraged, and people spoke kind words of affirmation, or reminded me of how God views me, or knew where I was coming from.
haha. this is q a weird ques. Yrself?

Anonymous said...

Oh, the angle I was coming from was that I was thinking about what are some ingredients in effective encouragement... so thinking more from a case-study perspective...

Yup, same as you - kind or helpful or powerful words at the right time. Think something I figured out just now from what you shared is that the right timing is a major key in effective encouragement.

(Proverbs 15:23)
"A man finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!" LOL! Think I understand tt verse better now...