I have an unmarried friend who prays earnestly for God to lessen or even remove his sexual drive. It causes him constant temptation. As gently as I can, I tell him I doubt that God will answer his prayer the way he wants. More likely, he will learn fidelity the way anyone learns it, by relying on discipline, community, and constant pleas of dependence.
For whatever reason, God has let this broken world endure in its fallen state for a very long time. God seems to value character more than our comfort, often using the very elements that cause us the most discomfort as His tools in fashioning that character. This was true in the life of the apostle Paul, who prayed fruitlessly that his mysterious “thorn in the flesh” be removed (2 Cor. 12:8).
In my own life, I am trying to remain open to new realities, not blaming God when my expectations go unmet but trusting Him to lead me through failures toward renewal and growth. I am seeking a trust that “the Father knows best” in how this world is run. I see that the way in which I may want God to act does not achieve the results I might expect.
When God sent His own Son—sinless, full of grace and healing—we killed Him. God Himself allows what He does not prefer, to achieve some greater goal.
— Philip Yancey
So timely, thank God. He is so faithful. I've been praying to Him to help me grow in character, with some other dear friends praying for me too... and gosh, this article comes so timely. And it's so relevant to me.
Currently, I'm reading "Every Man, God's Man" by Stephen Arterburn and Kenny Luck at the moment. It really is a great book to be read if you're looking to learn to be a man of God.
Feeling an increasing conviction of my sins, and reading this book has led me into a deeper thought about who I really am and what I really am like. Realised that with the increased freedom as a working adult, be it in church or in work or in personal life, I've also been starting to compromise, in very small ways, certain convictions - esp in the area of purity, honesty, courage and integrity.
It's none the easier when those around you openly pad their claims, or engage in negative speech... or in slipping in their walk with God, preferring to maintain a form of godliness, but denying its true power.
You could be a missionary to Africa, but if you don't have the heart to stay true to your God, nor loving justice and mercy, or walking humbly... what does that count in His eyes?
Reading Jesus' words again in Luke, and the exploits of David's mighty men, men renowned not only for their prowess, but for their loyalty, dedication and commitment... I'm thinking again about what does it really take to be a man of God.
And even the sermon last week - the verse speaks to me very much.
Thinking about purity. While looking for a potential life-partner, I learnt that I also would have to honour her, like what Weizhu pointed out to me before. Honouring is more than physical purity - it is also about emotional and mental purity. It doesn't just extend only to the girl you're interested in - it applies to every sister, every young lady I come across. As Paul exhorted Timothy, "Treat... younger women as sisters, with absolute purity." So true... there are times that I keep on being so distracted by all the pretty ladies around me.
But thank God for the company of brothers that He's given me, and also for the Word and prayer... I remember that when I was a very young Christian, I was struggling so heavily with a desire for BGR. But over the years, God has been purifying my heart - and not just that, giving me a direction, and a purpose, to channel all my energy into. Now is the season for war, the season to go out and push shields against the numerous hordes. Now is the season of Total War, where the stakes count literally for eternity.
And I keep dilly-dallying around in the mess, in the camp, huddling down for shelter when the enemy casually lobs a few flaming arrows into the camp, just to suppress us once in a while. This is not what God had in mind for me! "Endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ."
Shouldn't I be out there, steadfastly crawling up Hamburger Hill under withering enemy fire? Shouldn't I be out there, digging in doggedly, even under Satan's taunts and incoming lies? To refuse to yield a single inch of my heart to sin's relentless march? For every inch the enemy took, with God's help, I'll push back one metre!
Shouldn't I be striving for maturity, for wisdom, for the fruit of the Spirit? To flay the old sinful nature daily, refusing to compromise? "One shall stand, one shall fall." The old man of sin must die, the new man of Christ must arise!
Shouldn't I be courageously sharing the gospel with my colleagues, and being secure even if I'm rejected? Rejected not because of irrelevance, but solely because of the name of Jesus! Is it not an honour to suffer disgrace for His name? If the apostles rejoiced because they refused to stop telling people about Jesus... then what excuses do I have?
If anyone wants to live a godly life, he WILL be persecuted. Is it not even more true today? If I want to live for the truth...
Paul expressed it so succinctly:
1 Tim 6:11-12
But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Character above Comfort. Honour above Desire. Truth above Beauty.
Jesus #1. Others #2. Me #3.
"Do not pray for easy lives.
Pray to be stronger men!
Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers.
Pray for powers equal to your tasks."
- Philip Brooks
Interestingly enough, I was fasting and praying for various things today, such as my CG, my sheep, my own life... and one more thing that I also asked God was about which sister He has in mind for me. Hee. :)
Then, while I was waiting for the lift to take me down from the rooftop garden that I'd prayed at, this thought suddenly came to mind: "Yeu Ann, what would you like your dream girl to be like?" Somehow had this impression God was asking me that question.
That was a very interesting question! I was reminded of a similar situation where the Lord appeared to the young King Solomon, inviting him to ask Him for anything he wanted. Sorta like requesting your very own custom-made wife, made by none other than God himself! :P
So I just shared with my Papa what I looked for in my dream girl. :) I think He was smiling... I know it must have sounded very silly, some of the things I said, but nevertheless, I think He was delighted all the same just to listen to me share more with Him.
So I asked for a wife of noble character, and oh yes, someone who'll complement me in vision, etc... and it'd be a great bonus if she were very pretty too! Most of all, must love God wholeheartedly... be humble too... can compensate for my weaknesses, and tt I'd be able to care for her and help her grow too.
And I think He smiled at me, and said:
"Son, you want a wife of noble character, is it? :)"
"Yeah... that would be nice! (Who wouldn't??? Haha!)"
"Then you have to be a man of noble character, so that you can lead this wife of noble character, you know."
"Oh. Gee..."
"Haha... because to whom much is given, much is expected, you know. I want to be able to entrust my precious daughter to a man I can trust. Will you be that man?"
Gosh! This conversation's not exactly an audible conversation, but very much a mental one. But, yeah, it's biblically true, the principles... I think God really must have been talking directly with me. :D Thank You Pa! :)
So I dunno what's going to happen next... in any case, it really was very nice of God to ask me... even though He didn't have to! But yeah, think He wanted to know more of me, to get me to share.
Just some reflections to make sense of this week.
And I do need to reflect, think deeper.
Night, Pa.
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