On the way back, just felt so burdened for a particular friend. I felt like I could cry, like how the prophet Samuel cried out to the LORD all night for King Saul. So I asked God why this burden - that it would not go from my heart - and asked Him to help me understand.
It's a difficult thing to have the gift of prophecy when you sense a heavy burden on your heart for a particular friend, but you can't give a clear reason why, even though your friend may say that everything is ok.
2 Kings 4 reminds me... I know that there are some friends whom I sensed spiritually that something was not well with the person's inner life, but when I asked the persons, they were convinced that they were fine. Unfortunately, a couple of them left church shortly after that, but another friend thanked me later on, and said that she indeed had been having some internal struggles.
Over the years, I've learnt to recognize this particular ache in the heart as a very clear impression from God that something is not well with the person. But I wish I could have a precise word of knowledge to accompany these prophetic impressions from the Holy Spirit. (By 'prophetic' I mean an accurate insight that something is well or not well with the person's soul.)
How, Lord, HOW?!!! I want to cry for this friend, but no tears will come. Help me intercede for this friend in prayer... just so burdened.
Suddenly reminded that perhaps this pressing burden I feel is not only my personal burden... it could be the grief and compassion of the Holy Spirit. This is just a tiny portion of how much the Holy Spirit really loves and cares for us.
Father, if this burden really is a prophetic burden from You, then may You reveal and stir my friend's heart... and may You guard and protect him/her from the evil one, and may You carry him/her safely through this time - and most of all, restore his/her first love for You, and for his/her fellow bros and sisters.
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5 years ago
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