Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thank God for the unit prayer meeting today :)

Dehua shared about the need to adapt to changes. And how having a mindset that is being renewed is essential if you want to be transformed (Rom 12:2).

Fast-forward to supper: Dehua and I talked. I shared about what I learnt from the sharing, and Dehua gave me some advice. Let's see. What did he tell me?

About thinking more. What my natural strengths were, and oh yes, Philippians 1:9. About having a love that is wise... to grow in thinking. But to also remember my God-given strengths too. Not to overly focus on my weaknesses, but to keep my strengths in mind too.

Loving God with my mind. To make sense of my experiences. And... to practise thinking together with another person. Thank God for Peter =) He's a very wise brother, someone who'll think through deeply about something and make sense of his experiences.

Oh yes. I shared with Dehua about an insecure thought of mine that kept coming to mind. That people don't like me because of my blurness, my lack of wisdom. It was difficult to say it out, but I'm really thankful that I did. 'Cos the moment I confessed this insecure thought, I felt a burden lifted off my chest. Thank God so much for His help and strength to confess this insecure thought.

And Dehua told me that it's ok. God has accepted me, and used me some more to impact lives. And also, if there is someone who really is overbearing on me, because I'm not wise, even humbly listening to the other person, that is demonstrating the character trait of resilience.

Some thoughts.

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