Monday, November 5, 2007

A Life of Faith: A Bold Walk That Speaks Loud

Hmm! I've been thinking about people like Alan, RF, and other people who are inspiring... and I've been wondering about them, what makes their lives so inspiring? Is it because they have achieved more? Perhaps... but I'm not that inspired by CEOs and so on who are more successful in financial terms... Aren't our pastors a great inspiration to us too? There is an air of strength and inner confidence about them that business leaders would love to have.

So then what is it that inspires and motivate other Christians who see their lives? Think I am inspired, because they simply have faith in God. Faith that God can redeem their work fully. That He can redeem every aspect of their personalities and minds and deeds...

There is no life so inspiring as a life totally surrendered to Jesus.

I've been thinking about this. Peter explained to me that in the workplace, it's what the value that people can see in you that will draw them to you. Not the personality. But the value. After all, Jesus was simply a carpenter, and a very ordinary-looking man too. Probably not even ordinary-looking - Isaiah 53 says that his appearance was marred... yet rugged "Ah Beng" fishermen, financially-savvy tax collectors, military officers and educated Pharisees all flocked to listen to this Judean peasant.

And I think there's something that I feel regretful as a Christian - not stepping out in faith last time when I was in JC to exercise my speaking skills. After giving a talk for pre-tertiary students back then, they all applauded me. I write this... not because I want to boast about this... but I write... soberly... knowing that this may be a potential talent God has given me, but I, out of fear and insecurity, didn't want to exercise it by training and developing this skiil.

I remember Wenjiang telling me that I spoke very well at that talk, and he kept pushing me to improve my normal everyday conversation, especially in articulation... and I think up to now I've been very lazy, even now with Huaqiang reminding me to speak LOUDER. Louder, for others' sakes. Even a non-Christian friend in NUS (and she's quite a dynamic and powerful personality) was impressed by my speech, saying that I can speak very eloquently.

I think... to be honest, I kept dimissing all these comments, because in a way, I doubted that I can do this. But after a debate-cum-presentation during a course recently, my trainer told me that the listeners were all very attentive (and he joked that the ladies were especially attentive). LOL... that's really an ego boost! :P (oops guard ur heart YA...)

I'm stunned, to say the least... think my trainer's feedback is true, could see that somehow my coursemates were much more impressed with me after that presentation... I got the feeling I made a positive impression on them. One of them, a straight-talking person who can speak well, actually asked me for my contact number, saying he was thinking of asking me out during the weekend to stay in touch.

Quite stunned actually. And feel scared actually. :P But God help me... if I should boast, please help me boast of what YOU can do in me... "Let he who boast, boast in the Lord!" I want that true kind of humility that shines in all its strength, and gives all the glory to God alone.

I must exercise faith... and I'm so scared to be using this ability to speak and exhort... why? I'm confused. Why do I keep fearing to speak boldly and powerfully both in the office, and in church? And that's why I really thank God for Alan's testimony of how God empowered him to speak, even though he naturally fears speaking...

Think the simplest reason is pride... because I'm afraid to make mistakes and look stupid. Because I can't make jokes very well on the spot, etc. etc. Guess that's why I'm so glad to be pushed to tell stories to the children - it has been a very stretching exercise, and lots of things to learn. And children are a very good audience - you can tell how they REALLY think of your storytelling/speech... it's very obvious. (Esp if they throw paper balls at you hahah... no lah not OUR children. ;))

Hee... it's really a joy working with children - they are really sincere and straightforward. I miss them... (after the class, though :P) haha...

Then there's more complex reasons. Which I'm still trying to sort through. But in essence, I think God really is pleased when He sees us willing to step out of our comfort zones (e.g. the desire to be accepted by others), with His confirmation, in response to His calling.

I love this song, Centre of my Life, very, very, very much - the words are very powerful:

"Let my walk speak loud
And my words be true
Let my life be whole
With my eyes upon You
Lord I'm stepping out
Of the comfort zone
Letting go of me
Holding on to You

Freedom comes, when I call You Lord
You are Lord, my God..."

Here's praying that we will live a life of faith, and not be afraid to live boldy and powerfully for Him in the workplace, for when we do, we will be witnesses for Christ in the workplace and everyone will be able to see that we "have been with Jesus".

Acts 4:13
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

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