Monday, November 13, 2006

Was reflecting on my way to HQ just now. Had this vague uneasy feeling that something isn't quite right... somehow it felt like my r/ps wif others isn't exactly right in God's eyes...

Then while praying as i was walking along, it struck me that I was becoming increasingly selfish and self-centred... as i've been so busy, i've been asking people to help me, but i never bother to offer to help them too...

thank God for zhenfeng's ready and prompt offer of help in my programming when i asked him... really can learn so much from his helpful and willing spirit even though he may not be a Christian... there is still so much i can learn from him.

think this is a very bad habit of mine that makes people subtly irritated with me, and i know that this is something that i tend to do much more often when i'm under stress... that means in the workplace sure confirm kena...

but thank God so much for HIs gentle prompting... somehow felt this persistent urge in my heart to sms another friend and offer to help him with the help that i received... initially, i wasn't expecting him to need my help - in fact i'm the one who need much more help... or so i thot...

turns out that he was very busy, and i think he was touched by my help - and he needed it too! :D wow... again, Jesus' infinite wisdom wins over my limited understanding...

So some learning points from today's reflection:
1. I tend to become very self-absorbed and selfish and self-seeking and self-centred when under stress. That in turn causes me to lose my "saltiness" in my sphere of influence...

But remembering Peter's advice about watching myself, with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in me... I can breakthru in this area when i take stronger ownership of my walk with God in this area.

2. Sometimes, when there's this uneasy feeling in your heart, or thot in your mind, don't brush it aside. Bring it to Jesus in prayer... ask Him to search your heart and show you what is wrong with you... He WILL open your eyes and help you see what is not pleasing to Him...

3. Do step out to help others, even when you are feeling very stressed... "A generous man will prosper - he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." That's a promise of God, sure confirmed and sealed with a chop! :) And even if you don't think you can be of much help, it's ok... just ask God to show you how and when to offer help... and even if nobody needs your help at that moment, it's all right in His eyes... because the Bible says in 2 Cor, "For if the willingness is there, the gift [to God] is acceptable according to what one has, not what one does not have." :) Either way, He's equally pleased when He sees the willing heart looking out for others in His name. :)

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