Sunday, November 19, 2006

How to write an impactful blog entry...?

Something I thought about, while reading Ps Jeff's blog and thinking about what he shared during today's sermon... I was SO INSPIRED by the Bible passage and his message...

Esp his testimony about the blog, and Wenjiang's testimony about his gentle sharing with this VIP...

Then Ps Jeff mentioned the reason he wrote his blog... it's his heart of wanting to connect with the ppl in his church... then miraculously, God used it to impact even non-Christians... wow! the powerful work of the Holy Spirit!

Hmm... so am thinking... i really want to learn from Ps Jeff, how he makes his blog entries so relevant... and Shuyi too, how her blog entries touch pple's hearts...

But why am I thinking like that? Well, it's partly bcos of what my shepherd shared with me last time, to make an effort to impact ppl thru media, even if it's smtg as simple as writing a blog or participating in the Straits Times forum.

And also, perhaps it's the Spirit's conviction in the past few weeks.
And also, the fact that one of my good friends - a non-Christian - said that my entries aren't relevant to him - he's only reading it bcos I'm his friend!

So what I learnt... think one way to make it more impactful is to share our daily lives experiences + relate it to some deeper thoughts. In other words, making sense of our experiences.

I tend to pour out my contemplations, and emotions, but honestly, I don't think they're very edifying in a way. Ok, guess maybe it's encouraging, but I think can do so much better. Part of the fun of being a Christian is that your perspective of life changes totally - every moment is now literally a Divinely-breathed moment...

To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heav'n in a wildflower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.

Even the struggles, the frustrating episodes of our lives, we could also write these down with the attempt to see God through these experiences.

Friends, following Jesus really is a very exciting adventure. Let's not make it boring, as we so often tend to do. Really, frankly, Jesus is one of the most attractive persons the world has ever seen... and if we share how we saw Him in these experiences, I think it'll really be very very very enticing to those who don't know Him yet. Aroma of Christ... it's really shiok, honestly. :)

Plus, everyone loves a good story. :) Even more so if it's a true story. But I need to learn how to tell a good true story. :) Ha... so think I'll give it a shot next time. :) Not stuff like, in Agagooga's blog,

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