Sunday, November 20, 2005


Taken from

Humans often credit themselves with superior intellect, but we'd do well to learn humility in the face of nature's awesome complexity. In 2001, MIT researchers enabled LEDs to emit more light: They used a lattice of holes called a 2-D photonic crystal to help light get out, and Bragg reflectors to control the direction it's emitted. Now, two University of Exeter scientists have shown that swallowtail butterflies do the same thing. Patches on their wings produce brilliant fluorescence thanks to a layer of evenly spaced micro holes that act as a 2-D photonic crystal and prevent light from being trapped, and a lower layer that reflects fluorescent light like a Bragg reflector. "The way light is extracted from the butterfly's system is more than an analogy," one researcher told the BBC News. "It's all but identical in design to the LED."

Wow... God is really awesome. :D

Psalm 104:24
How many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.

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